Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My new gadget...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Aku penah buat ni...
SOLAT mereka yang membaca ramalan bintang sama ada di akhbar, majalah atau di internet tidak akan diterima Allah selama 40 hari, tidak kira mereka percaya atau sebaliknya kerana perbuatan itu sama seperti berjumpa dengan tukang ramal.
Pensyarah fakulti Syariah dan Undang-undang Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh, menjelaskan perkara itu berdasarkan ulasan ulama terkenal Yusuf al-Qardawi mengenai hukum membaca ramalan bintang.
Katanya, walau seseorang itu tidak membenarkan apa yang dibaca, solatnya tetap tidak diterima selama 40 hari dan jika membaca serta membenarkan pula ramalan itu, maka orang itu dikatakan kufur kepada ajaran Muhammad.
Bagaimanapun katanya, jika membaca dengan tujuan untuk membantah, menjelaskan dan mengingkari amalan syirik, hukumnya dituntut malah menjadi wajib kerana tujuan memberi pengajaran kepada orang lain.
"Jelas amalan meramal, membaca dan menaruh sikit rasa yakin apa dikatakan ramalan bintang itu perlu dijauhi mulai hari ini. Ini bukan perkara main-main atau seronok-seronok kerana ia bercanggah dengan hukum Islam," katanya.
Katanya, perkara itu juga jelas daripada hadis riwayat Muslim bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang datang kepada dukun kemudian dia membenarkan terhadap apa yang dikatakan olehnya, maka solat orang itu tidak diterima Allah selama 40 hari."
Perbahasan mengenai minat masyarakat hari ini terhadap ilmu ramalan termasuk membaca horoskop dibincangkan Nik Salida bersama Al-Fadhil Kadi Daerah Temerloh, Badli Shah Alauddin, dalam program Halaqah terbitan TV9 yang disiarkan malam Ahad lalu dengan tajuk Bintang 12.
Program yang mengulas mengenai ayat 105, surah an-Nahl, mengajak penonton menghindari perbuatan berjumpa atau mempercayai tulang tilik dan tukang ramal kerana Allah memberi amaran mengenai golongan pembohong itu.
Nik Salida berkata, tidak dinafikan ramai yang mengatakan tujuan mereka membaca ramalan bintang adalah suka-suka tetapi amalan bermula daripada suka-suka itu akhirnya menyebabkan mereka menjadi obses seterusnya terpengaruh dengan apa yang dibaca.
Katanya, ada kalangan masyarakat hari ini yang melanggan ramalan bintang melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) untuk mengetahui apa yang diperkatakan mengenai nasib mereka atau perkara bakal dilalui mereka setiap hari, minggu atau bulan.
Sedangkan, perbuatan itu bukan saja merosakkan akidah malah menyebabkan hidup mereka tidak keruan kerana pengaruh ramalan itu sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan kepada aktiviti atau perancangan mereka pada hari itu.
"Jika tidak percaya atau untuk suka-suka kenapa hingga melanggan SMS horoskop. Maknanya bangun pagi kita mahu tengok apa yang diramalkan untuk kita hari itu. Begitu juga dengan membaca di akhbar dan majalah, kenapa kita hendak tahu ramalan.
"Jika katanya dalam bab rezeki apa yang diperoleh tidak setanding kerja dilakukan, maka akan timbul perasaan malas buat kerja sebab rezeki yang dapat sikit saja. Kesan ramalan ini bukan saja pada akidah, juga aspek psikologi.
"Daripada suka-suka itu juga apabila kebetulan perkara diramalkan itu benar berlaku ia mula menerbitkan kepercayaan yang akhirnya menyebabkan mereka jatuh ke lembah kepercayaan perkara karut-marut ini," katanya.
Badli Shah berkata, golongan yang percaya kepada Bintang 12 atau ramalan tukang tilik mengenai untung nasib atau hari baik dan tidak adalah mereka yang tidak percaya ketentuan Allah serta ciptaannya.
Beliau berkata, Allah sudah memberi amaran mengenai golongan itu di dalam al-Quran di mana Allah murka dan mengatakan mereka sebagai golongan pembohongan serta penipu kerana mendahului takdir Allah.
Katanya, apa yang dikhuatiri ialah disebabkan ramalan itu umat Islam lupa bahawa setiap sesuatu yang terjadi itu adalah dengan izin Allah dan ini memberi kesan daripada sudut akidah mereka.
"Jika Allah tidak izinkan perkara itu berlaku, ia tidak akan jadi. Tukang ramal pusinglah daun terup atau biarlah burung dia bercakap tetapi tanpa izin Allah tidak akan berlaku. Malangnya kita tengok, zaman moden ramai yang kembali percaya dan mencari petunjuk daripada zodiak," katanya.
Katanya, kepercayaan kepada ramalan terutama tukang tilik dan ahli nujum boleh mendatangkan kesan negatif seperti menyebabkan pergaduhan antara suami isteri, permusuhan sesama jiran atau sahabat karib.
Contohnya, isteri yang diberitahu mengenai sikap suami atau ramalan bahawa suami akan berkahwin lagi pastinya menyebabkan berlaku perbalahan dan paling malang lagi jika perkara itu tidak benar sama sekali.
Rasulullah SAW turut berdepan dengan kelompok masyarakat Arab yang taksub dengan ramalan dan kiraan bintang hingga Baginda menyebut akan tiga golongan itu terdiri daripada mereka yang mampu meramal bintang, meramal barang hilang dan melakukan ramalan berdasarkan pergerakan bintang di langit.
Malah, Baginda SAW pernah didatangi beberapa orang yang meminta Baginda meramal masa depan orang Arab tetapi Baginda memberitahu, jika diketahui perkara ghaib nescaya dirinya sudah mendapat kemewahan serta terlepas dari musibah.
Mengulas mengenai sejarah Bintang 12, Badli Shah berkata, kepercayaan itu berasal dari Mesopotania, daerah asal orang Babylon terletak antara sungai Tigris dan Euphrates dan kini terletak di tenggara Iraq.
Ilmu itu berkembang sejak Babylon kuno 200 tahun sebelum masihi dan secara bertahap. Amalan dan kepercayaan itu semakin berkembang hingga tahap yang dikenali sebagai horoskop atau Bintang 12 yang mengaitkan keperibadian dengan tarikh lahir berpandukan bintang.
"Contohnya bintang Capricorn untuk mereka yang lahir 22 Disember hingga 20 Januari ikut mitos Yunani ialah lambang kambing. Kambing itu bernama Almateus dan pernah beri air pada Dewa Zeus iaitu dewa tertinggi bagi bangsa kuno ketika kecil.
"Oleh itu, bagi mengenang jasa kambing itu ia dijadikan bintang dan bercahaya di langit. Kesimpulannya, Capricorn itu kambing saja. Di sini pun banyak kambing, tidak perlu tengok ke langit. Umat Islam perlu renung sejenak adakah bintang ini sesuai dengan peribadi Muslim.
"Sesuai ke jika umat Islam percaya kepada bintang kambing biri-biri atau lambang orang lelaki gagah tuang air dalam tempayan besar sedangkan banyak perkara lain lebih bermanfaat yang boleh kita fikirkan," katanya.
Justeru, beliau menasihati kepada umat Islam supaya menjauhi amalan membaca ramalan bintang atau tulang tilik walaupun untuk suka-suka kerana boleh memberi kesan kepada akidah serta amalan solat yang dilaksanakan. ..
***MORAL : Jangan tgk horoskop w/pun utk suka2....peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Desperate Housewives Season 5
Episode 5-1 "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow" September 28
Written by Marc Cherry; directed by Larry Shaw
As revealed in the 4th season finale, next season picks up five years after the events of last season. Expect some flashbacks to show us how the women's lives changed.
Bree's a guest on a Fairview cooking show. She introduces her staff, which includes Katherine. After Katherine informs the host, Keith Kavendish (Hank Stratton) that she's never known a better cook than Bree, Katherine purposely pretends to have injured her hand so Bree's forced to finish preparing a difficult French dessert on camera. Disaster ensues. Also, Bree clashes with a photographer.
Gabrielle's daughter Juanita (who's 4 and a half) unsuccessfully tries to wear a dress that's too small for her. She's in denial about her daughter's weight issues. Gabrielle overhears two mothers blaming her for Juanita's weight; she confronts the women over what they say, but she's also questioning her own abilities as a mom.
Thanks to teenage Porter and Preston (now played by Charles and Max Carver), the Scavo's restaurant is turned into an illegal casino for their teen friends. When Lynette learns about this, she grounds the boys, who want their punishment postponed til after Homecoming.
Susan and Mike are divorced, but he's not out of her life altogether, thanks to the existence of their son, M.J., who's played by Mason Gale Cotton. We'll learn why they got a divorce. Susan's new man Jackson (Gale Harold) has a scene where he's not wearing all of his clothes. Susan's closed off to love and doesn't want to be in a relationship. When Susan and Jackson first met, she initially wasn't into him; he was just the guy she'd hired to paint her house. Susan's first scene of the season after the teaser was based on something Teri Hatcher suggested. Susan tries to hide her relationship with Jackson.
An accidental death plays a role in the season premiere.
Dave, a newly married man (played by new series regular Neal McDonough) wants to get a house for Edie, his wife. Specifically, he wants to get her old house on Wisteria Lane. Dave tells the elderly man living there that he's going to buy him out his lease -- right now! He's not going to take no for an answer, and he's going to count to five to give the man a chance to agree. Dave happens to be a motivational speaker so expect him to be quite effective with his tactics.
Dave takes a call from Dr. Heller (Stephen Spinella) who reminds him he's supposed to check in once a week. He tells his doctor he's living close to Boston. The doctor tells another doctor he's worried about Dave, who once had an intense fixation on one person. He has revenge on his mind but who is the object of his obsession?
Kathryn Joosten appears as Mrs. McCluskey; Tuc Watkins and Kevin Rahm return as Bob and Lee. Former series regular Joy Lauren (Danielle) makes a guest appearance.
Episode 5-2 "We're So Happy You're So Happy" October 5
Written by Alexandra Cunningham; directed by David Grossman
Bree's scheduled to do a radio interview about her book, Mrs. Van De Kamp's Old Fashioned Cooking. When the interviewer says something about Mr. Van De Kamp, Bree mentions he's dead, and goes along with the interviewer who suggests the book is her tribute to her dead husband. Bree must balance her career and her marriage.
Carlos is working as a masseur at his house. Gabrielle isn't happy about that; she wants him to work out of the country club, and reveals she just spent the last of the drug money they took from Ellie. Gabrielle speaks with a socialite at the country club who misses having Gaby around. Gabrielle claims her kids have taken up her time; the socialite is happy to have her back on the scene.
Susan confronts Mike at a bar. She's looking for Jackson (Gale Harold). Mike claims he's unaware of Jackson's whereabouts but Susan doesn't believe him. The men in Susan's life meet up. Richard Burgi guest stars as Susan's first husband Karl Meyer.
Lynette finds it endearing to learn about Porter's softer side.
Edie's reminded how hostile the people of Wisteria Lane can be. Suspicious about Dave, Mrs. McCluskey gets Katherine's help in hopes of uncovering what he's hiding.
Episode 5-3 October 12
Welcome back Danielle! She returns to Fairview with a Jewish husband and her son . . . Benjamin! Danielle worries that Bree is going to take him back, and she's not fooled by her mother's smile. Later, while at the park with Benjamin, Bree shows him a picture of a young Danielle eating a hot dog. She tells Benjamin that easting hot dogs makes little boys grow up big and strong. She gives him a hot dog but makes him promise not to tell his mother.
Gabrielle and Carlos consider selling their Aston Martin to a young, rich Middle Eastern couple. Gabrielle has a problem with how low Carlos is willing to price the car.
Episode 5-4
Someone attends an ornate luncheon; who's the guest of honor?
Someone visits the Fairview Library.
Mike and Susan attend Parents Night at MJ's school. MJ drew a picture of Susan and Jackson, and he informs his teacher that Jackson sometimes sleeps over.
Juanita sees Carlos and Gabrielle having sex, and they're forced to explain to their daughter what's going on. But when Juanita tells one of her friends at a play date, her friend's mom isn't happy about this. Carlos and Gabrielle sit down with the parents and talk things over. All is well til Carlos accidentally reveals to Juanita's friend the truth about Santa Claus.
Tom has formed a rock band with other middle aged men. He and a bandmate have a third guy audition to join the band. The band included Tom on bass; Dave as the drummer, Orson on the keyboard, and Mike singing and playing guitar.
Episode 5-5
Before Susan can sign her divorce papers, she wants to talk to Mike in private.
Lynette rushes to the hospital where she learns Tom received a massive electric shock at his restaurant. His heart stopped but was revived;will there be tissue damage?
After a party, Mrs. McCluskey is wheeled into an ambulance. She tells an EMT that Dave was responsible for what happened, as he knows she knows he's up to no good. The EMT thinks she's delirious.
Episode 5-6
While he's giving an elderly woman a massage, Carlos accidentally gives her an orgasm. He confides in another masseur about what he's done. The tip he receives proves the woman liked what Carlos provided! The woman wants Carlos to come to Europe to be her personal masseur for two months, and Gabrielle agrees, til she learns from the masseur Carlos confided in about Carlos giving the woman an orgasm. She needs to track Carlos down, only he's at the woman's house. Gabrielle creeps around the woman's mansion when she's caught by the new landscape architect. He believes she's the housekeeper and she lets him go on believing this.
Susan and Jackson broke up; she wanted a casual relationship while he wanted to discuss their future. Two days later she confronts the naked woman she finds in his apartment. Susan learns Jackson doesn't usually talk about having a future with the women he sees because he doesn't date -- or at least he didn't til he met Susan, who he's admitted to loving. Jackson finds the two women together.
Bree meets Orson's college roommate. She's catering an event for his parents' anniversary, but she has plans to act as a matchmaker for him and Katherine too.
One of the Scavo twins has been grounded. His friend calls, wanting to get him out to enjoy two kegs. The twin tells his friend he has bars on the window and a lock on the door, but that's not about to stop him.
Episode 5-13 (Episode 100)
Reaching episode 100 is considered a big deal. Based on past schedules it would seem likely that this would air in January, but with February sweeps being pushed into March this year, it's difficult to predict a winter scheduling pattern this time.
General season 5 spoilers
Regulars this season include Teri Hatcher as Susan; James Denton as Mike;
Felicity Huffman as Lynette; Doug Savant as Tom; Charlie Carver as Porter; Max Carver as Preston; Joshua Moore as Parker; Kendall Applegate as Penny;
Marcia Cross as Bree; Kyle MacLachlan as Orson; Shawn Pyfrom as Andrew;
Eva Longoria as Gabrielle; Ricardo Antonio Chavira as Carlos;
Nicollette Sheridan as Edie; Neal McDonough as Dave; Dana Delany as Katherine; Brenda Strong as Mary Alice.
Neal McDonough joins the show as a series regular. He's playing Dave, a motivational speaker who's married to Edie. Like Mike, Betty, Orson, and Katherine before him, Dave's at the center of the season's mystery. He's out for revenge. Mrs. McCluskey can see there's something off about Dave. Toby the cat goes missing. When Dave has Mrs. McCluskey committed to a mental institution, she has to be rescued by her sister, who's played by Lily Tomlin. Longtime DH fans with good memories may remember that there's been talk about Tomlin playing Mrs. McCluskey's sister since season 2.
Product placement alert! This season Tom will be driving a 2009 Ford Flex. Dave will drive the 2009 Lincoln MKS. Andrew will drive the Mazda RX8.
Gail O'Grady will appear in a recurring role as a married woman who may have an affair with one of Lynette's twins.
Gabrielle's older daughter, Juanita, will now be played by Madison De La Garza. Her other daughter, Celia, is played by Danielle Baltodano.
Bob and Lee now have a 4 year old daughter.
Gabrielle will get her looks back after seven or eight episodes. Carlos will regain his sight and he and Gabrielle may seek out plastic surgery.
Kayla may return sometime. As for the Scavo sons, Preston now enjoys parties, while Porter's a poet, and Parker's a technogeek/mama's boy. Tom is proud of some of his twins' naughty behavior, to Lynette's horror. When Lynette wants to understand one of her boys, she goes online and pretends to be a girl . . . who her son proceeds to fall for.
Susan's lover Jackson has a secret.
Season 5 will have 24 episodes.
In the first episodes back, expect to learn why Bree took Orson back.
Other spoilers
As Marc Cherry's been saying since October of 2004, he plans on ending the show with season 7. After that, he hopes to follow up with a spin-off entitled Vicious Cheerleaders. (Please, make that happen!! I've been itching for more on the show since he first mentioned it 3 years ago.)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
10th Kingdom

i would like to watch lipstick jungle

but i found it is soo boring.if you are a fan of desp housewives & sex & the city you would expect something similar.but unfortunately it's not...boring lah....another series with the same concept is cashmere mafia which currently being aired in ntv7 saturdays 10.45pm right after grey anatomy....this one better la kot...mmmm....the latest season of desp housewives will be aired in the US this 28th of sept....can't wait to download....oopss....
tell me....
cik cousin's cat kt kg....
she's so so white....with her stunning blue eyes...
there are 2 of them act....cik putih & en putih....
both are the same...but en putih has green eyes... but susah toll nk capture gambar en putih nih...:)